Beginners, children, adults and casual learners

You can start learning from zero, improve your skills or get yourself ready for an exam. We can establish your personal goal and work together step by step.
Each person has its own way to learn and that's why I provide personalized tutoring and support during the instructional sessions.







Paloma Garcia

Social Communicologist with University degree in Social Communication from the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Mexico) in 2013 and Master degree in Theory and Methods for the Communication from the University of the Studies of Milan (Italy) in 2016. She completed her academic social work as a project assistant in a rural Primary school (Mexico). Most recently she has worked as a Teacher Assistant for students with special needs following several cases in a Highschool in London (UK). 


In order to start tutoring effectively, we will need to know the following 3 things:

1. The personality of the student. This will help to discover how we can best set and more importantly, achieve their goals if the student is introverted (shy/quiet) or Extroverted (prefers to talk, outgoing), if the student needs a slow approach to learning or a faster method to keep their attention. The more detail, the better we can help the student.

2. The level that the student currently has of the subject. If we know the level the student currently has of the subject, including what their strongest and weakest points are, that will allow us to form a more effective starting point and build the lessons around that.

3. The goal in which the student wants to achieve. By knowing the goal we can better use our time by organizing lessons which specifically help attain that goal effectively. The goal could be to start speaking the language, to improve their skills in the language or even just some help to pass an exam. We can help you.

My method is named "the puzzle" and provides what needed to begin with the language in 6 lessons. After that, the program will be personalized depending on the students needs. I'm very flexible and can follow the right path for each student to learn.


Online lessons  (10% discount)
At-home One to one lessons (max 5mi) + Transport Fee (only for Sydney)
Lessons One-to-One for max. 3 students (only for Sydney)
Each lesson lasts 55min
Direct contact with the Tutor      (No agency)
Flexible availability 

How to ask further information or request a quote?

Choose one of these options:

By following any of these actions you declare to agree our Legal information and accept the use of your data to be contacted.

  1. Go to the CONTACT section and call, send us an e-mail or fill the General form.
  2. Fill the Specific form. This option takes more time but will help us to give you a personalized treatment. For some services,  however, we will ask you to fill this form.

  3. Fill the next form.

You'll receive an answer from the Tutor so you can discuss your specifical case

  • If you live in Sydney and prefer to select this service through the "Tutor Finder" website Click here.

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